Often, new traders will have to make a choice of a brokerage company at once according to many criteria. For example, a brokerage company has demonstrated itself with a good hand in the market execution of user orders. However, the affiliate program brings. And to be precise, it lacks the required resources. Either the affiliate program approach is perfect, and the bonus structure is not loyal. In this case, it is necessary to choose by average values. And such a middle was the brokerage company Larson&Holz.
Regarding the affiliate program, this is actually a strong broker place. Speaking of the bonus program, no shortcomings were found. At the same time, the original approach of Larson&Holz is noted. And this is traced, first of all, in the options of all services.
Many are aware of the importance of the affiliate program, due to the fact that most inexperienced traders attach serious importance to this aspect. When comparing the affiliate program of Larson&Holz with the programs of other brokers, there is a qualified approach. First of all, the familiar function is also built in, which operates according to the method: invite a friend and win a bonus for it. Or, invite users, and get a percentage of all recharge. Yes, it is represented by all companies. Only here are the functions: become our partner, and we will assist in the opening of the company, this is actually a novelty.
The company Larson&Holz actually helps partners to implement partner offices and services. We wanted to know more about this, and contacted the representative center of the broker. We were told that for this you only need to register and leave a request. We did the same. We do not plan to open the company, only the essence of the mechanism is interesting. The company provides a specialist or consultant who helps to fill out a partner questionnaire. But what’s funny is that for opening your company significant financial investments are not necessary. Of course, it is easier to open your own business if you are told where to go first, and what can be done later. The consultant does not just interpret, but accompanies the partner all the way. It is clear that companies do not open so easily. The stage is not one, and everyone needs an individual approach. Remarkably, Larson&Holz contributes 50% of the required amount. And this is incredible help. In addition, this money is sent to the balance of the new company. Then the new management independently decides how to use the funds. If you count, the opening of the company costs about $ 50,000. And after the company starts to accept new customers, it provides an assistant from the field of marketing. It also matters, because marketing is the foundation of any company. Then the company needs to unleash. And it helps us in the sense that, working under a well-known brand, a new company gains a customer base. Therefore, an insignificant advertising campaign is enough, even well-known contextual advertising, where there will be a hint of a partnership with Larson&Holz. The effect is not long in coming. As a result, the business is being built. Further, an important aspect concerns the marketing plan of the new company. Larson&Holz understands all types of partnerships. The marketing division of the main company is developing interesting ideas for its own partners regarding new financial solutions. Well, after the partner decides for himself whether to use these ideas in his business, or refrain.
Another exciting service – the transfer of interest on the deposit. Here comes the idea of the banking system of deposits. By and large, the idea is similar, only there are a few differences. Everyone knows that bank customers see bank interest as very insignificant. Well, in fact, in fact. In the long term, this percentage is likely and will meet the expectations of the client. However, in the medium term, such expectations do not become real. Only their broker justifies Larson&Holz. The user of the company opens a deposit and makes money. Here is a serious nuance. Larson&Holz company transfers interest to the deposit only in the case when the amount is over 3,000 dollars. And the interest itself is much higher. And it reaches 10%, which you will agree, more seriously than in a bank. And the company Larson&Holz makes monthly accruals. Again, without any VAT, commissions, and other obscure payments for various services. As a result, a company customer has a net percentage without costs.
And with regards to the bonus system. It is necessary to highlight the fact that with such an approach of the company, one should not be surprised by the enormous popularity. Only no deposit Forex is talking about. The client opens a trading account, where the deposit already has $100. You can start trading. The great advantage is that the user himself does not risk anything at all. You can work in any style. And even if you use serious volumes. The trader is given three trading days. And during this period, the trader works on the funds of the company. Income, of course, leaves itself. With a rational approach, a novice trader is able to make himself a good start-up capital. In addition, after three trading days, the trader has the opportunity to re-open a no deposit account, and continue to trade. And again at the expense of the company. Only this is not all. The client can re-open a no deposit account. In total, we get as many as nine trading days. During this time, you can make a serious profit. There are two advantages to this. Even if a young trader fails to make a good profit, he will have some experience in trading. And if the trader has created the initial capital, then, works on the income received further.