Have you ever purchased a good on Amazon simply because of their prime shipping options? A vast majority of online shoppers will have done this at least once, perhaps even just before reading this post. While it’s true that Amazon and other reigning e-commerce giants will be able to provide the fastest turnarounds on the market, many times they won’t stock the unique or quality products that smaller businesses will. Unfortunately, for many customers, their offerings might not be enough to allow shoppers to justify the lack of shipping capabilities. For example, some weary online shoppers would never order from an online seller if they weren’t able to guarantee a shipping tracking number, even if the product were of utmost quality. Customers are now more interested in the order fulfillment process than ever, as it gives them a sense of security. This is why branded tracking pages are so important for smaller businesses to build out on their website. This can give customers all the reassurance they need. Interested in learning more about the ways your business can continue to garner customer interest and match shipping demands? Please see the resource below.
The Importance Of Shipment Tracking presented by Westfalia Technologies, a warehouse automation company